Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Crypto Mining News

April 2023 Work Progress Report: New Coin – Kaspa, Ergo Block Reward Reduction

April 2Miners

Kaspa on 2Miners

We are pleased to announce that 2Miners pool has expanded its mining offerings to include Kaspa (KAS), an innovative cryptocurrency with a focus on scalability, security, and decentralized governance. Recognizing the growing interest in Kaspa mining among our community, we have made it easy for both GPU and ASIC miners to join our pool and benefit from its features.

Kaspa mining on 2Miners is available for both SOLO and PPLNS mining options. We have set up dedicated ports for ASIC miners, with port 3434 for the SOLO pool and port 2222 for the PPLNS pool. These ports have been thoroughly tested and optimized to minimize the number of invalid shares for ASIC devices, ensuring a smooth mining experience. How to Mine Kaspa with ASIC and GPU: Settings, Extra Rewards, Dual Mining


2Miners is known for its commitment to fairness and transparency, and we continue to uphold these values with our Kaspa mining offerings. We are the only pool that pays out the full block reward, including the extra 233 KAS in case of retroactive block rewards. This means that miners receive the maximum possible payout for their mining efforts.

In less than a month more than 2000 miners joined our KAS pools with a total hashrate of almost 80 TH/s making 2Miners the Top-10 pool for Kaspa mining. We plan to add the BTC payouts option to our Kaspa pools in the nearest time. You could already get paid for ETC, ERGO, RVN, ZEC mining in BTC if you mine on 2Miners.

Ergo Block Reward Reduction

Ergo, a Proof of Work blockchain, follows a predetermined emission schedule for its native ERG tokens. In April, the block rewards decreased from 42 ERG to 39 ERG, in line with the planned schedule. To ensure the long-term sustainability of the mining protocol, the Ergo Foundation proposed EIP27, an amendment to the emission schedule.


EIP27, which received over 90% approval from the mining community, extends the emission schedule by approximately 17.38 years. This extension provides Ergo with more time to establish the necessary crypto-economic security for its blockchain, promoting continued growth and development.

Monero Share Difficulty Optimization

We have recently made improvements to our Monero mining pools, focusing on optimizing server performance. One of the key changes we implemented was increasing the share difficulty from 120K to 480K. This adjustment was made to enhance the efficiency of our servers, allowing them to better handle the growing number of miners. What…

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