Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Crypto News

How crypto is playing a role in increasing healthy human lifespans

Longevity Investors Conference

It’s a question that’s infatuated scientists for decades: how can we prolong life expectancy — giving humans everywhere more years of good health?

This field is known as longevity science, and within this industry, experts argue care which regards ageing as a normal but treatable ailment are rare — and of the approaches available, they can only be accessed by those who are highly educated and privileged.

Just some of the key tenets that govern this approach to medicine involve therapeutics, personalized medicine, predictive diagnostics and artificial intelligence. The goal is to eliminate a “one size fits all” attitude toward treatment, and ensure that therapies are customized to an individual’s unique medical profile. This can matter in many different ways — to the best method for tackling cancer, to the food we eat and our risk of heart disease.

And while predictive diagnostics offers an existing way of unlocking better patient outcomes, this often hinges upon using large amounts of anonymized data to determine what’s happened in the past, and how greater levels of success are achieved in the future.

Bizarrely, there are parallels between cryptocurrencies and longevity science. You could argue that this approach to medicine is currently where digital assets were back in 2013 — a time when crypto discussion was confined to online message boards, niche group chats and convoluted whitepapers. Longevity researchers are excitedly sharing their findings with one another — and collaboration is taking place across sectors. Experts are keen to ensure that anyone with an interest in this nascent field can get involved and contribute.

Educating the masses

As in the crypto industry, a big challenge that longevity science faces is education — and simply explaining this concept to the public. This is a journey that takes time, effort, money and patience.

Because of this, a dedicated event has been established so this cutting-edge concept can be discussed in an open forum. The Longevity Investors Conference is set to take place in Switzerland from Sept. 28-30. It’s being sponsored by Credit Suisse, and tickets can be paid for in cryptocurrency.

It’s being organized by Marc P. Bernegger. He’s a founding partner of Maximon — a Swiss company that invests and builds in longevity-focused companies. Bernegger explored Bitcoin in 2012 and told Cointelegraph: “There is room for everyone. We can all travel the same path but take different approaches. It’s still the…

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